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City Wise SEO Promotion


Our unique local promotion strategy drives traffic of users from those cities where you want to promote your business.


Our unique local promotion strategy drives traffic of users from those cities where you want to promote your business. Buyers those searching for your products or services in their city will find your website on Google in their city, dispite your business is not in their city, but you serve or supply your products in their city. Research show that 97% of web users user internet to search local business, i.e. they search locally.

Know how we promote businesses in Multiple Cities

We make separate page for different cities of your choice to promote your website there. We target relevant city wise keywords in Title, Header Tag, Content, Images, Hyperlinks to make it a theme based page for target cities to ensure ranking on Top 10 with local city wise keywords. Google find related information on our web page and displays our website there. Since, your website serves your products or services in that city, a strong call to action implemented in website convices your buyer to send you enquiry.

For Example

Your business is in Mumbai, but you want buyers from all cities in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, then we will target all local city wise keywords to promote and drive local traffic who are searching for your products or services in their city to your website by promoting your website there with same keywords.If there is huge competition in those cities in same products, then we recommend to buy city wise seo friendly domains to promote your products there.


We optimize these websites with relevant city wise keywords in title, meta tags, content, images following as per Google’s parameters to ensure your promotion. If your business has physical addresses in different cities, then it makes promotion more easy to promote there with local address on contact us page adds confidence of buyers as well as google.

Note : One Package is available for 1 city only. For Mutliple cities you need to buy more quantiry.


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